Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Sing-a-long Michelle - Anne - April - Carol


Momma Ballou said...

Great video. I especially like that dark haired gal in the middle.:) Thanks for the very sweet b-day card and moola. You're my favorite big brother.

sharon said...

You guys must be busy. No new posts for awhile. Me neither but not that I'm busy, just boring.

Love, Mom

sharon said...

Let's get some new posts on here. Love Ya! Mom

sharon said...

Guess you guys are too busy going to school and getting smarter to keep up on your blog. Good luck!

Love Mom

sharon said...

Sorry about all my nagging. I didn't realize I had left 3messages! Great voice on the B-day song.

We love you all. It was fun to have you all over on Sunday. I love the plant!

Love, Mom